Microneedling relies on the activation of the body’s self-regeneration and can thus contribute to natural skin rejuvenation and skin tightening. The micro-fine punctures can reduce acne scars and wrinkles for a clear, radiant complexion.Affordable aesthetic clinic in Singapore are many so choosing wisely is very important.
Several different factors make skin look older than it is. This does not only mean the formation of wrinkles but also impure, large-pored skin, a pale, unhealthy complexion or slack connective tissue. Microneedling is a treatment that focuses on activating the body’s self-regeneration. This makes it one of the natural methods of facial rejuvenation. In addition to the classic facial treatment, scars, wrinkles on the cleavage, thinning hair and stretch marks can also be treated with the help of micro-needling.
Microneedling has developed into a beauty trend in recent years, and demand is constantly increasing in our dermatology practice. Microneedling is a gentle and natural treatment method that promises visible skin rejuvenation and skin tightening after just a few treatments, and micro- can reduce scars. The method is suitable for all flat skin regions, such as the forehead, cheeks, nose, mouth and chin.
The clinics treat the affected area of skin with a derma pen fitted with very fine needles. The length of the needles is individually tailored to the patient. The derma pen is guided over the skin area, causing micro-injuries and irritating the upper epidermis. The body’s self-healing powers are activated and the production of the body’s collagen is stimulated. The collagen that is formed strengthens the connective tissue and the elasticity of the skin increases over the long term. Pores become finer and the entire complexion looks younger and healthier. Microneedling takes around an hour and four to six treatments spaced several weeks apart are necessary before the desired result is achieved.
For an optimal result, microneedling can of course also be combined with peeling. The additional use of hyaluronic acid can further enhance the skin-rejuvenating effect.